Our projects


Klaipėda SMK University

Specialists of UAB SROVESTA performed video surveillance and sound systems in the building of Klaipėda City College of Social Sciences, located in Liepų Street.
Security and fire alarms. Access control, telecommunications and process management were also performed.

Project of 2021. UAB SROVESTA

Frankfurt Airport. Terminal no. 1

Employees of UAB SROVESTA perform the following works in the first terminal:

1. Offices. Electrical installation up to 1000 volts.

2. Cable routes;

3. Cable laying;

4. Lighting;

5. Electrical switches;

6. Power cabinets;


Project of 2021. UAB SROVESTA

Mehrgenerationenwohnen Tuntenhausen. Residential complex in Germany

There are various types of apartments in this complex. From a one-room 47sq.m apartment to a four-room 160sq.m apartment. The complex also has an underground car park. Our company has contributed to the implementation of this project and the beautiful complex, we installed electrical installation, fire system, intercoms, and telecommunications.

The project was done in 2020. UAB SROVESTA


UAB RATUVA is an administrative building in Klaipeda with a warehouse. Our company received the project for this building and work has begun. The company’s employees installed access control and telecommunications. Video surveillance, security and fire alarms were also done. The process control automation was also performed. UAB SROVESTA office is also located in this building, so if you want to visit us or discuss matters, we look forward to seeing you!

The project was done in 2020. UAB SROVESTA

SKY Villa in Palanga

The modern SKY Villa is located in Palanga. In this wonderful place, employees of UAB Srovesta made an electrical installation, video surveillance, access control, and a security system and fire protection.

The project was done in 2020. UAB SROVESTA

Šilutė City Hospital

Our company’s qualified specialists designed a 96kW solar power plant in Šilutė City Hospital, on the roof.

The project was done in 2020. UAB SROVESTA


Mercedes-Benz car and tugboat center is located in Klaipeda. In this centre we done a fire protection system, security alarm, video surveillance system and telecommunication. Process control and automation were also performed.

The project was done in 2017. UAB SROVESTA

UAB Nesė: "Nesė Casino", "Easy longue" restaurant, "Irish Bar"

In these premises, which are well known to Klaipeda residents, the qualified employees of our company performed the following works: video surveillance, security – fire alarm and telecommunication engineering systems. Also indoor sound, and indoor and outdoor electrical installation.

The project was done in 2017. UAB SROVESTA



We performed interior and exterior lighting reconstruction in Toyota car showroom, warehouse and service. We replaced the old luminaires with LED technology and modernized video surveillance. The conversion of analog cameras to digital ones was also carried out.


The project was done in 2017. UAB SROVESTA


P. Vasiliauskas farm "Vfarm"

P. Vasiliauskas farm is located in Klaipėda district, Dreverna village. In the administrative and storage premises located here, the employees of our company done the lightning protection of the building, security and fire alarms. Video surveillance, Installation of telecommunication engineering systems and process control as well as automation were performed.

The project was done in 2015. UAB SROVESTA

Tourism Place "Bebirva"

The manor is located on a quiet, easily accessible bank of the Bebirva stream. In this rural tourism homestead, qualified specialists of our company performed indoor and outdoor electrical installation works, video surveillance, security and fire alarms. Telecommunication communications, sound of the premises, and lightning protection were performed.

The project was done in 2014. UAB SROVESTA

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